Friday, February 20, 2009

definitely a girl...she loves chatting on the phone :)

Chloe has been "talking" on her cell phone these past few days to her daddy and it's absolutely precious! She puts the phone up to her ear (sometimes backwards, sometimes the right way) and says "Da da, da, da...daddy" it's just the cutest thing. She was doing it the other night and I tried to catch it on video, but of course I was a little late. Oh well...enjoy the video anyways! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

monkey see...monkey do :)

Langston and Chloe had another play date this afternoon...and it was so much fun watching them play! They just entertain each other...I love it!

lunch with nana & grampy

We spent some time in Chapel Hill last week for Kelsey's 16th birthday...we all had a great time. I caught a few minutes of Chloe and I having lunch one afternoon with Nana and Grampy...